BELTON, Mo., (May 14, 2024) – Ava Spiller, Belton High School senior, is the recipient of the top first-year scholarship from Cass Community Health Foundation.
The Daniel F. Sheehan Nursing Scholarship is an award of $2,500 and was created to honor Daniel F. Sheehan. Sheehan was the former CEO of Research Belton Hospital, now Belton Regional Medical Center. The scholarship honors his commitment to improving the health of residents in northern Cass County and southern Jackson County.
"This scholarship isn’t only financial aid, but a stepping stone to fulfilling my commitment to myself and my future as a nurse. I am a determined and dedicated student who will succeed in my nursing classes. I am prepared to take the steps needed to become a nurse, and this scholarship will help me do that."
Spiller plans to attend the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg to pursue a degree in nursing.
Each year, the Daniel F. Sheehan Nursing Scholarship is awarded to a Cass County or Grandview high school senior interested in studying nursing. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0. The award is presented to a student that exemplifies an abiding interest in the welfare of others, inspires others to be their very best, serves as a role model, exhibits personal integrity, and is involved in the community.
“We are proud to support a future nurse like Ava,” Cynthia Randazzo, Cass Community Health Foundation president, said. “Our communities need nurses. Awarding Ava the Daniel F. Sheehan Nursing Scholarship allows us to contribute to this need and fulfill our mission of empowering the people of Cass count through improved health.”
Cass Community Health Foundation has awarded $55,000 in scholarships to students from Grandview and the Cass County area pursuing careers in health care. The foundation provides scholarships to individuals from Archie High School, Belton High School, Cass Midway High School, Drexel High School, Grandview High School, Harrisonville High School, Heartland Christian School, Pleasant Hill High School, Raymore-Peculiar High School, Sherwood Cass High School, or Training Center Christian School interested in nursing or other health related degrees.
Additional scholarship recipients from Belton High School include Barbara Garner, Piper Keltner, and Yaresci Rodriguez.
Scholarship recipients from Raymore-Peculiar High School include Jana Bruce, Calie Cooper, Meagan Faulkner, Kendall Johnson, Madeline Kobe, Deja Lindly, Makayla Lint, Sloan Myers, Olivia Nelson, Bryanna Planker, Irelynn Sloan, Kylin Sousley, and Maddison Taylor.
Susan Comstock, a 2023 Belton High School graduate and second-year scholarship recipient, Sarah Larkins, a 2022 Raymore-Peculiar High School graduate and third-year scholarship recipient, and Emma Zeysing, a 2023 Raymore-Peculiar High School graudate and second-year scholarship recipient, were all awarded George M. & Elizabeth V. Robinson Scholarship. Students from Cass County schools who are studying nursing are eligible for funding each year of their education. Comstock is pursuing nursing at Metropolitan Community College, Larkins is pursuing nursing at Barton College in Wilson, North Carolina, and Zeysing is pursing nursing at the University of Kansas.
Scholarship recipients from Pleasant Hill High School include Ellie Beck, Grace McCommon, Madison Powers, and Makynna Woods.
Mayra Del Moral from Grandview, Audrie Brown and Miranda Fisher from Harrisonville High School, and Emma Thomas from Sherwood Cass High School were also awarded a scholarships.
In addition to Comstock, Gonzalez, and Larkins, renewal scholarships were awarded to students pursuing nursing including Archie High School graduates Chesnie Baker and Gracie Kirkemo and Grandview High School graduate Taylor White.
Cass Community Health Foundation also provides scholarships to students enrolled in area practical nursing programs. Applicants must have graduated from a high school in Cass County or currently reside in the county to be eligible. Belton High School graduate Patricia Madera was awarded a scholarship.
Funding for the scholarships is made available through designated funds established by community donors to support local students.
Visit casscommuntiyhealth.org/scholarships for more information about the scholarship program.