BELTON, Mo., (May, 6, 2024) – Cass Community Health Foundation’s 30th Annual 5K for Health raised nearly $98,000 for Cass County Dental Clinic. Belton Regional Medical Center CEO, Todd Krass, chaired the 5K and Sandy Kessinger of Country Club Bank in Belton co-chaired. The 5K was on Saturday, May 4 on the Belton High School campus in Belton, Missouri. Cass Community Health Foundation’s safety net dental clinic, Cass County Dental Clinic, provides access to quality dental care for families who otherwise couldn’t afford it at its locations in Belton and Harrisonville, Missouri.
Top fundraising teams included LifeGoals Strategies Group with $2,660, Cass County Dental Clinic with $2,257. and Community Bank Pacers with $2,015. A total of $3,220 was raised from the Belton School District combined 9 teams and the Archie R-V School District raised $1,860. Belton Regional Medical Center’s combined six teams $2,005. The top individual fundraiser was Katie Schroeder with $1,547 winning the Garmin 245 Forerunner compliments of Garmin.
Before the race, Cass Community Health Foundation announced a new capital campaign and groundbreaking ceremony for the future home of Cass County Dental Clinic. The groundbreaking ceremony is set for 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15 at 1000 E. Markey Parkway in Belton, Missouri, and signifies an important milestone for continued access to quality dental care in Cass County. The project allows Cass Community Health Foundation and Cass County Dental Clinic to expand capacity and continue to serve as a dental home for thousands.
“The 30th anniversary of the 5K kicked off an exciting time for Cass Community Health Foundation,” Cynthia Randazzo, Cass Community Health Foundation president said. “The event raised a record-breaking amount of money for our safety net dental clinic while we announced an important campaign to expand access to quality dental care in our community. A brand-new building with increased capacity for those we serve would not be possible without the dedicated support from those who have attended our 5K.”
Activities surrounding the 5K including registration, check-in, and health fair were moved indoors at the Belton High School Fieldhouse and Aquatics Center due to inclement weather. The Belton High School marching band provided entertainment before the 5K while the Grandview High School cheer team encouraged walkers and runners at the starting line. The Archie Whirlwinds marching band and cheerleaders cheered on participants as they crossed the finish line. Following the 5K, all attendees were invited to enjoy the 5K Health Fair which included music, raffle prizes, vendors with freebies, and all-you-can-eat Chris Cakes. New to the event this year, participants could also register their dogs for free. More than 70 dogs registered to attend and were given a treat and toy at the finish line.
The 5K course began at the Belton High School Fieldhouse and Aquatics Center and circled around both Belton High School and Cleveland Lake. Maya York was awarded first place, Tessa Perdue was awarded second, and Adelyn Volpi was awarded third in the women’s race. Seth Hunziker was awarded first place, Justin Kohmetscher was awarded second, and James Porter was awarded third in the men’s race.
Belton Regional Medical Center, Cosentino’s Price Chopper, Pacific Dental Services, Lytle Construction, Belton Regional Medical Center Medical Staff, Belton School District, Feist Charitable Foundation, Raymore Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Cass Regional Medical Center, Electrical Corporation of America, J.E. Dunn Construction Co., Raymore-Peculiar School District, Kenny and Suzette Southwick, UMB Financial Corporation, and Milberger Pest Control served as top sponsors of the event.
Community members can still donate to the event at casscommunityhealth.org/5k. Call 816-276-4218 for more information.