Sydney Morgan was awarded Cass Community Health Foundation’s top health care scholarship in 2019. Four years later, she completed nursing school at Missouri Southern State University with three additional scholarships from the foundation.
Back in 2019, Sydney shared that she always wanted to be a nurse.
“I think I have wanted to be a nurse since the second grade. One day they told us to dress up like who we wanted to be when we grow up. I dressed as nurse.”
The recent demand for nurses solidified her decision. She knew it was a good career choice and she feels strongly about investing in her community and the people in it.
Each year of nursing school, Sydney applied for a renewal scholarship from Cass Community Health Foundation. The foundation supports local students from area high schools with health care scholarships. Those that choose to pursue nursing degrees are eligible to renew their scholarship support.
“These scholarships showed that I had support from the people back home. It encouraged me to work hard through these past four years and not give up. Nursing school is the most challenging thing that I have ever done, and the ongoing support through this scholarship meant more to me than I can put into words.”
Sydney believes Cass Community Health Foundation’s scholarships were necessary for her to focus on her studies and prioritize school. She views support from the foundation as a lifeline; one not to be taken for granted.
Cass Community Health Foundation supports local students from Archie High School, Belton High School, Cass Midway High School, Drexel High School, Grandview High School, Harrisonville High School, Heartland Christian School, Pleasant Hill High School, Raymore-Peculiar High School, Sherwood Cass High School, or Training Center Christian School through health care scholarships. Students interested in nursing or other health related degrees can apply at casscommunityhealth.org/scholarships.